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by Greg Demario Have you ever read one of those personality profile books? They often say that some people have great amounts of inspirat...

by Greg Demario

Have you ever read one of those personality profile books?

They often say that some people have great amounts of
inspiration and are "big picture" people. They also say that
some have the inborn ability to be able to keep up with
details. Not surprisingly they are called "detail oriented"
people and often "detail oriented" people are the most
successful, once they are going in the right direction.

There are ways to start an Internet business without having to
have a lightning bolt of inspiration but you must be careful.
Joining an existing team is by far the easiest method of
starting an Internet business. Here's what to look for....

First, you should find something that you can BELIEVE IN.
This is a key factor because when you are doing something
that you believe in work becomes less like work and more like
fun. Having a NATURAL ENTHUSIASM for what you are doing will
motivate you every day.

Secondly, make sure the company offers the amount of SUPPORT
you will need. You won't need support forever but there will
be a learning curve. It should be THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to get
you past that curve as soon as possible.

Thirdly, make sure the product is in demand. If you find a
company that sells buggy whips or hula hoops, you're in for
an uphill battle. It must be a product or service that people

Fourth, what is their selling system? Look for something simple
and unique. Customers who get involved will want to be able to
do business in a straightforward manner without a lot of
confusing hoops to jump through.

Fifth, and finally, do they offer a product or service that is
repeatable? In the business world it is often the people who
provide basic services or products that get ahead. There are
three major categories in which most products and services fit.

First, products and services necessary for life. Food and
clothing for instance. Secondly, products and services that
are optional, but that most everyone has or anticipates getting
soon. A laptop instead of a desktop computer is optional for
most people. Cable TV or satellite dishes are as well.

We don't have to have them, but life is sure easier with them.
Last, there are the luxuries. A recent study showed that a
digital watch found in a cereal box kept the same time as one
costing thousands of dollars. Spending thousands on a watch is
a luxury.

You can find a business that's fun, profitable and meets the
criteria needed to be a good bet to succeed without having
some huge moment of inspiration. If you can find a business
that meets the above criteria, run it like a business and be
consistent you will achieve a level of success that often
eludes the hotshot "big picture" people. I wish you the best.

Source: Free Articles from

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