by Chris Nixo The Internet. Love it or hate it, one fact cannot be disputed; it has CHANGED almost EVERYTHING we thought was true abou...
by Chris Nixo
The Internet. Love it or hate it, one fact cannot be disputed;
it has CHANGED almost EVERYTHING we thought was true about
doing business. Are you up to speed with what is going on?
Some things about business will never change. The age old
saying of find a need and fill it will never die. No matter what
direction the future takes us there will always be buyers and
sellers of goods and services. And the buyer will always feel they
paid too much while the seller thinks they paid too little!
Thus it has always been and thus it will always be.
But there are many important areas that are CHANGING NOW
(yes, even while you read this) and these are changes that
will have an impact on YOUR future. Let's look at a few.
First there was the telephone. Remember answering your own
phone? That lasted for a long time. Then came Caller ID
followed by voice mail. And NOW web sites are enabled so
that with a click your customer can call you instantly,
wherever you are. Are you keeping up?
First there was cash. That lasted for a long time. Then
cheques were invented. Next, credit cards, then cheques and
credit cards by phone and, close behind, cheque by fax.
Recently developed secured sites let customers pay by
credit card (or even cheque) without you having to be
involved. And NOW some keyboards allow you to swipe a
credit card and make your purchase. Electronic wallets
store all of your information, allowing you to buy with
a single click. Are you keeping up?
First the customer came to your store, looked you in the
eye and bought what they wanted. That lasted for a long time.
Then mail order was invented and the store was less important.
Next, the Internet came along and the store became VERY
important again, but had changed in almost every way we
could imagine. And NOW your "store" on the Net MUST have
the latest ways for customers to shop and buy or you will
be left behind ... and left behind in Internet time.
Are you keeping up?
First there was 9 to 5. The good old Monday through Friday
9 to 5. Weekends off AND two weeks a year or more for vacations.
Remember them? That lasted for a long time. If someone called
on Friday after 2 p.m., you just called them back on Monday
morning. And NOW if you don't respond in 15 minutes you are
late. Late ... and left behind. Are you keeping up?
Let's face facts, the Internet can make you or break you.
If your product or service is not up to par you will fail
much faster on the Net that on Main street. The GOOD NEWS
is that you can succeed faster now as well. You can change
, tactics or even your entire business in a day.
The Net is wide open and resources are available.
Just make sure that YOU ARE KEEPING UP.
Article Tags: Long Time, Left Behind
Source: Free Articles from
The Internet. Love it or hate it, one fact cannot be disputed;
it has CHANGED almost EVERYTHING we thought was true about
doing business. Are you up to speed with what is going on?
Some things about business will never change. The age old
saying of find a need and fill it will never die. No matter what
direction the future takes us there will always be buyers and
sellers of goods and services. And the buyer will always feel they
paid too much while the seller thinks they paid too little!
Thus it has always been and thus it will always be.
But there are many important areas that are CHANGING NOW
(yes, even while you read this) and these are changes that
will have an impact on YOUR future. Let's look at a few.
First there was the telephone. Remember answering your own
phone? That lasted for a long time. Then came Caller ID
followed by voice mail. And NOW web sites are enabled so
that with a click your customer can call you instantly,
wherever you are. Are you keeping up?
First there was cash. That lasted for a long time. Then
cheques were invented. Next, credit cards, then cheques and
credit cards by phone and, close behind, cheque by fax.
Recently developed secured sites let customers pay by
credit card (or even cheque) without you having to be
involved. And NOW some keyboards allow you to swipe a
credit card and make your purchase. Electronic wallets
store all of your information, allowing you to buy with
a single click. Are you keeping up?
First the customer came to your store, looked you in the
eye and bought what they wanted. That lasted for a long time.
Then mail order was invented and the store was less important.
Next, the Internet came along and the store became VERY
important again, but had changed in almost every way we
could imagine. And NOW your "store" on the Net MUST have
the latest ways for customers to shop and buy or you will
be left behind ... and left behind in Internet time.
Are you keeping up?
First there was 9 to 5. The good old Monday through Friday
9 to 5. Weekends off AND two weeks a year or more for vacations.
Remember them? That lasted for a long time. If someone called
on Friday after 2 p.m., you just called them back on Monday
morning. And NOW if you don't respond in 15 minutes you are
late. Late ... and left behind. Are you keeping up?
Let's face facts, the Internet can make you or break you.
If your product or service is not up to par you will fail
much faster on the Net that on Main street. The GOOD NEWS
is that you can succeed faster now as well. You can change
The Net is wide open and resources are available.
Just make sure that YOU ARE KEEPING UP.
Article Tags: Long Time, Left Behind
Source: Free Articles from
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