By: Pam Stushnoff Self-worth and confidence might appear doubtful bunkmates when we are talking about private finance but they're ...
By: Pam Stushnoff
Self-worth and confidence might appear doubtful bunkmates when we are talking about private finance but they're the 2 most vital factors that will either help or impede your money generating capability.
How often have you come up with a great cash generating idea, then pitched it to your other half or pals? What was their response? I bet they thought it was a joke. I bet they laughed. That is the reaction I generally get. Was it truly a terrible idea doomed to fail? Might have been. Probably not.
How did you respond to this negativism? Were bummed and immediately ditched the entire concept. Really? That was your low self-confidence manifesting itself - dragging you down and pulling your self-esteem with it.
You need to strike back. Come up with a new idea and pitch it again. If it also gets laughed at take a step backwards and look at your idea again. Be truthful with yourself. Think "hmmm... What am I able to do in order to make this better?"
Modify your concept and pitch it again. Do this continuously until your chums say, "you could be on to something." In the unlikely possibility that your idea actually does suck (think - cat grooming service ) then you will want to recognize that too. Pull up your socks and come up with something better.
Being successful with money, social circumstances or life generally is more about having the confidence to try. Each time you try, your confidence will grow and you will feel a tiny bit better about yourself and ultimately more willing to jump in and try again.
When it's all said and done even a failure is a win - you have just identified another thing that will not work.
Truthfully, the biggest thing keeping you from working the job you would like or living the life you dreamed is yourself and your "I cannot do it!" attitude. Ok perhaps money, lack of education and where you live now might contribute but those are all hurdles you can triumph over.
Find in yourself somewhere, the confidence to realize there is not such a thing as failure - things just might need a little bit of tweaking.
Pam Stushnoff is creater of the money saving strategies website: Money Saving Matters and the blog: Money Matters If you enjoyed this article there is more great content at both those locations.
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Self-worth and confidence might appear doubtful bunkmates when we are talking about private finance but they're the 2 most vital factors that will either help or impede your money generating capability.
How often have you come up with a great cash generating idea, then pitched it to your other half or pals? What was their response? I bet they thought it was a joke. I bet they laughed. That is the reaction I generally get. Was it truly a terrible idea doomed to fail? Might have been. Probably not.
How did you respond to this negativism? Were bummed and immediately ditched the entire concept. Really? That was your low self-confidence manifesting itself - dragging you down and pulling your self-esteem with it.
You need to strike back. Come up with a new idea and pitch it again. If it also gets laughed at take a step backwards and look at your idea again. Be truthful with yourself. Think "hmmm... What am I able to do in order to make this better?"
Modify your concept and pitch it again. Do this continuously until your chums say, "you could be on to something." In the unlikely possibility that your idea actually does suck (think - cat grooming service ) then you will want to recognize that too. Pull up your socks and come up with something better.
Being successful with money, social circumstances or life generally is more about having the confidence to try. Each time you try, your confidence will grow and you will feel a tiny bit better about yourself and ultimately more willing to jump in and try again.
When it's all said and done even a failure is a win - you have just identified another thing that will not work.
Truthfully, the biggest thing keeping you from working the job you would like or living the life you dreamed is yourself and your "I cannot do it!" attitude. Ok perhaps money, lack of education and where you live now might contribute but those are all hurdles you can triumph over.
Find in yourself somewhere, the confidence to realize there is not such a thing as failure - things just might need a little bit of tweaking.
Pam Stushnoff is creater of the money saving strategies website: Money Saving Matters and the blog: Money Matters If you enjoyed this article there is more great content at both those locations.
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