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POEA shuts down illegal recruitment agency in Las Piñas City

MANILA - The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has shut down an illegal recruitment agency in Las Piñas City following w...

MANILA - The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has shut down an illegal recruitment agency in Las Piñas City following weeks of surveillance and complaints from victims, Labor Secretary Silvestre H. Bello III said.

He identified the agency as the Lapcon Human Resources Services which was investigated by the Anti-Illegal Recruitment branch of the POEA on complaints of several victims.

He said the POEA team and the Las Piñas City Police padlocked Lapcon after it was found operating without the required license or authority to recruit and deploy overseas Filipino workers.

The POEA served a closure order to Analili Delfino, the owner of Lapcon Human Resources Services located at Atis Street, Verdant Subdivision, Las Piñas City.

Lapcon Human Resources Services allegedly assures applicants fast deployment as farm and supermarket workers in Ireland and United Kingdom, and factory workers in Korea using tourist visas.

The agency collects Php150,000.00 from each applicant supposedly for processing and documentation fees.

Bello said that he has ordered the POEA to fast-track the filing of charges of illegal recruitment against Delfino. He added that Delfino and the officers of the said recruitment agency will be included in the "List of Persons and Establishments with Derogatory Record."

This will disqualify them from participation in the overseas recruitment program of the government.

Under Republic Act No. 8042, amended by Republic Act No. 10022, any act of hiring Filipino workers, undertaken without license or authority from the POEA, is considered illegal recruitment. (POEA)

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