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Drug Pusher Nabbed By Lucena PNP

Lucena City, Quezon - Lucena CPS personnel under under the direct supervision of PSUPT ARTURO PAGLINAWAN BRUAL JR, Officer-In-Charge conduc...

Lucena City, Quezon - Lucena CPS personnel under under the direct supervision of PSUPT ARTURO PAGLINAWAN BRUAL JR, Officer-In-Charge conducted drug Buy Bust operation at about 6:00 PM of March 29, 2017 at Villa Padua St. Phase 3, Citta Grande Subdivision, Brgy. IbabangIyam, Lucena City that resulted to the arrest of John Emmanuel Albarico Y Orlanda, 20 y/o, single, jobless, for Violation of Sec. 5 and Sec.11, Art II of RA 9165 (Selling and Illegal Possession of Dangerous Drugs).

The suspect was caught in the act of selling shabu to the confidential informant and Intel Operatives of this CPS who posed as poseur buyer.

Upon conduct of preventive search, following pieces of evidence were recovered: One (1) improvised envelop paper containing of eight (8) pieces of heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets containing white crystalline substance believed to be shabu, one (1) piece of small heat sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance believed to be shabu which was sold by the suspect, and one (1) piece 500 peso bill used as marked money Likewise, the confiscated pieces of evidence weighs more or less 6.51 grams with estimated DDB street value of Php 12,043.50. (PNP Lucena)

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