by Angelo S. Villanueva, EPS-II M&E Every person has a unique way of promoting his or her total capabilities based on performances th...
by Angelo S. Villanueva, EPS-II M&E
Every person has a unique way of promoting his or her total capabilities based on performances that lead to become a competitive, productive and trustworthy person. Achievement of goals comes to those who push themselves to the maximum requirements of the words “professionalism” and “maturity”. Seeing the forest for the trees is much needed to become a global thinker. In a professional standpoint, for a person to be recognized entails manifestation of being true and transparent. Once a person is recognized, there should have an enhancement of lucid attitudes and personal commitment to sharing and influencing the lifestyles of others towards the development of the community. People respond positively because their needs have been met, their work has been valued, and they are led to see the cause and effect of their actions. According to Kevin Kruse (, “Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of goals.”
However, knowing and doing are two different things. Popularity is not the same as leadership and being popular doesn’t mean you’ll be a good leader. Leaders serve from mission or principle, neither popularity nor financial stability. Leaders earn respect when they help everyone in their society define the paths they need to travel, are consistent in their decision-making, communicate well, and model in their personal and professional life the ideals the society stands for. If our work as administrators is grounded in our mission, then we ought to do what is right whether it’s popular or not.
The skills of leadership need to address each of the key elements which make up the “problem space” of leadership: (a) oneself, (b) one’s relationship with one’s collaborators, (c) the system in which one is acting, and (d) the goals to be achieved by oneself and one’s collaborators in that system. Self-skills allow the leader to choose the most appropriate attitude, state-of-mind, focus, etc., with which to enter a situation. In a way, self-skills are steps by which the leader leads himself/herself. Since leaders must reach their dreams and accomplish their goals through their influence upon others, relational skills are one of the most important aspects of leadership. Strategic thinking involves the ability to identify a relevant desired state, assess the starting state, and then establish and navigate the appropriate path of transition states required to reach the desired state. A key element of effective strategic thinking is determining which team members and tasks will most efficiently and effectively influence and move the present state in the direction of the desired state. Systematic thinking is at the root of effective “solution creation” and the ability to create functional teams. The ability to think systematically in a practical and firm way is probably the most definitive sign of maturity in the leader.
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth; and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world… would do this, it would change the Earth.” stated by William Faulkner.
Every person has a unique way of promoting his or her total capabilities based on performances that lead to become a competitive, productive and trustworthy person. Achievement of goals comes to those who push themselves to the maximum requirements of the words “professionalism” and “maturity”. Seeing the forest for the trees is much needed to become a global thinker. In a professional standpoint, for a person to be recognized entails manifestation of being true and transparent. Once a person is recognized, there should have an enhancement of lucid attitudes and personal commitment to sharing and influencing the lifestyles of others towards the development of the community. People respond positively because their needs have been met, their work has been valued, and they are led to see the cause and effect of their actions. According to Kevin Kruse (, “Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of goals.”
However, knowing and doing are two different things. Popularity is not the same as leadership and being popular doesn’t mean you’ll be a good leader. Leaders serve from mission or principle, neither popularity nor financial stability. Leaders earn respect when they help everyone in their society define the paths they need to travel, are consistent in their decision-making, communicate well, and model in their personal and professional life the ideals the society stands for. If our work as administrators is grounded in our mission, then we ought to do what is right whether it’s popular or not.
The skills of leadership need to address each of the key elements which make up the “problem space” of leadership: (a) oneself, (b) one’s relationship with one’s collaborators, (c) the system in which one is acting, and (d) the goals to be achieved by oneself and one’s collaborators in that system. Self-skills allow the leader to choose the most appropriate attitude, state-of-mind, focus, etc., with which to enter a situation. In a way, self-skills are steps by which the leader leads himself/herself. Since leaders must reach their dreams and accomplish their goals through their influence upon others, relational skills are one of the most important aspects of leadership. Strategic thinking involves the ability to identify a relevant desired state, assess the starting state, and then establish and navigate the appropriate path of transition states required to reach the desired state. A key element of effective strategic thinking is determining which team members and tasks will most efficiently and effectively influence and move the present state in the direction of the desired state. Systematic thinking is at the root of effective “solution creation” and the ability to create functional teams. The ability to think systematically in a practical and firm way is probably the most definitive sign of maturity in the leader.
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth; and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world… would do this, it would change the Earth.” stated by William Faulkner.
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