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Albayalde donates classroom in Quezon

by Gemi Formaran June 8, 2019 While giving school supplies, Albayalde makes fun with a Grade 1 pupil of Nakal Elementary School in Luc...

by Gemi Formaran
June 8, 2019

Albayalde donates classroom in Quezon
While giving school supplies, Albayalde makes fun with a Grade 1 pupil of Nakal Elementary School in Lucban, Quezon. (Photo by Gemi Formaran)

LUCBAN, QUEZON - Philippine National Police chief, Gen. Oscar Albayalde yesterday donated a classroom in t1he remote barangay of Kalyaat, here.

Albayalde, after handing P300,000 cash to Nakal Elementary School principal Luisà Dilao, also led the distribution of school supplies to pupils.

He was assisted by Police Regional Office Calabarzon director, B/ Gen. Edward Carranza, Quezon police director, Col. Ramil Montilla and Alpha Phi Omega (APO)- Lucban chapter president Ever Salumbides.

Albayalde is an honorary member of APO which initiated the school project.

The PNP chief also led the ground breaking for the class room to be built in the school compound soon.

In his speech, Albayalde said his being a product of a public school is one reason why he loves helping pupils of public elementary school.

"Actually, my heart bleeds every time I see poor pupils walking on their way to their school as it reminds me of my self during my elementary days in San Fernando", said the PNP chief.

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