by Nimfa Estrellado Straight Talk August 17, 2019 I’m a feminist who welcomes LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers, and who would fight fie...
Straight Talk
August 17, 2019

I’m a feminist who welcomes LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers, and who would fight fiercely for their rights and freedoms. But who also has concerns about women’s being safe AS WELL. If I feel uncomfortable about any situation then I should have the right to refuse. LGBTQ+-phobia has no place in feminism, all LGBTQ+ people deserve respect and acceptance. I’m sending all my love to any trans people who has to deal with such vile hate every day.
People have been gay and lesbian for centuries. There’s literally been evidence of gender and sexual fluidity across almost every century yet humans today are still debating it as some hot topic of contention.
“A transgender woman was not allowed to use the comfort room for females of a mall in Quezon City on Tuesday, according to a report on GMA News’ Saksi. Gretchen Custodio Diez related that the janitress led her out of the comfort room and told her to use the rest room for males. She left but returned to talk to the janitress and proceeded to do a video recording of the exchange. A lady guard then handcuffed Diez and brought her to the police station. The staff members, reportedly, were distressed that Diez took a video without their permission. A few minutes after midnight, Diez told reporters mall staff members have dropped the charges against her.” - GMA News
The Philippines has many problems already I do not know what to say. So many people react on the news on social media, and they are outraged. Funny they are more even concerned with the illegal entry of transgender in women’s CR than the illegal entry of chinese in the Philippines.
I find the anti-discrimination ordinance vague. Is there an outright policy that transwomen may use female CRs? This incident is an opportunity to test the LGBTQ+ policies of Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte ’s government. I feel like we’re about to miss this opportunity as this incident draws to a close.
The establishment should provide exclusive comfort room for transgender people because some criminals may take advantage of using the ordinance. Promotion and enabling of dysfunctional behaviors create disruption and confusion to a functional society. It is detrimental and regressive. The case here is a prime example of how “normalizing” an abnormal behavior leads to social disorder, confusion, animosity, and social division. This can be use as an excuse for other people with not so good intentions.
The Quezon City Gender Fair Ordinance does not categorically say that a trans (who identifies himself as a woman or a man) can use the women’s CR. In fact, some of the gender neutral CRs are posted on the PWD CR. There is also gender neutral CRs, but does not include the right to use the women’s CR. The primary concerns are on safety, security, sanitation, cultural and religious factors. If you want those in details, it would take some time. These factors are not simply valid reasons, but these are supported by constitutional principles and and other related statutes. So again, like i said, having those in details would take so much time.
“It’s not about changing the establishment or the infrastructure. It’s about changing the mindset of the people.That is not what we need. We don’t need additional infrastructure. We need acceptance. We need understanding,” - Diez said.
Diez, you can’t force the issue. People, in general, have different point of view. Some conservatives do not accept LGBTQ+, you are right.
Equality? Acceptance? I am for it. But for all the transgenders to act as if they are entitled to have the exact rights of women is still a no.
“Women should not be offended by presence of transgenders in public ladies toilet. If you have a problem, magtiis ka!" – Bataan Rep. Geraldine Roman, a transgender, stated August 14, 2019
I find Bataan Rep. Geraldine Roman statement disgraceful and very unwise to say, considering that she is a congresswoman, asserting her power and control over everyone offended me. Let the real women speak. Women strongly demand for equal rights and opportunities as men for centuries and now they have it, it’s as if they threw their very sense of equality out the window.
Separate comfort room for LGBTQ+ is the best solution. I do respect them as much as i needed to be respected as woman. We have different perspectives in life, cultures and beliefs.
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