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LGUP holds social media seminar for students, teachers in Tayabas

by Brian Zagala August 31, 2019 Resource speaker Mr. Desiderio Camitan addressing the youth and teachers during a seminar on responsibl...

by Brian Zagala
August 31, 2019

Resource speaker Mr. Desiderio Camitan addressing the youth and teachers during a seminar on responsible use of social media at Silungang Bayan, Tayabas City.

TAYABAS CITY - Students from Tayabas, Lucban, Lucena and other neighbouring towns attended a seminar on “Your Digital Footprint: A Guide to Responsible Social Media” organized by Let’s Go Underground Production and Rotary Club of Tayabas in the city on Saturday, August 24.

The goal of the production was to get participants to start thinking about how to use social media responsibly.


Resource speaker and an international affiliate of the American Psychology Association, Mr. Desiderio Camitan IV said that the seminar is very timely and relevant in these times when use of social media has become easy for people to post about anything and everything without thinking about the ethics or potential implications of what they post.

He cited a new research showing the so-called ‘digital natives’, whom most expect to be competent users of technology, were more prone to online attacks compared to other age groups.

Mr. Camitan also spoke on the main principles of social media ethics, data privacy, content of posts, spotting fake news, and the Do’s and Don’ts on social media.

“Kung hindi ka sure, huwag kang mag-react. Kung hindi ka sure, huwag kang mag-comment. Kung hindi ka sure, huwag mong i-share,” he ended.


  1. Honored to be a part of this program. LGUP's thrust of providing timely learning experiences alongside quality entertainment to the youth of Quezon is remarkable and worthy to be emulated. Thank you again and more power!

  2. Honored to be a part of this program. LGUP's thrust of providing timely learning experiences alongside quality entertainment to the youth of Quezon is remarkable and worthy to be emulated. Thank you again and more power!


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