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The Biggest Epidemic of Our Times, Novel Coronavirus Part 2

By Nimfa Estrellado Straight Talk February 1, 2020 President Rody Duterte on Coronavirus (COVID19). Duterte: “You hate anything that i...

By Nimfa Estrellado
Straight Talk
February 1, 2020

President Rody Duterte on Coronavirus (COVID19).

Duterte: “You hate anything that is Chinese, that is not good. China has been kind to us. We can also show the same favor to them.”

Me: “Why do you hate anything that is Filipino, you always rush to Chinese defense and licks ass? That is not good. The Philippines has been kind to you. You can also show the same favor by prioritizing us Filipinos and our welfare. You have to protect something good for everybody and your side should be and always for the people of the Philippines. “

The Philippines aren't ready for this, government leaders are incompetent! Well not all but MOST! Not all hospitals can accommodate this kind of virus. If this spreads, the commuters are most likely the first to die!

Lawyering for China must be very lucrative. Why are we singling out China? While it’s a fact that the nCoV originated from them and has the most number of confirmed patients and deaths, it’s also a fact that it’s already spread to more than 10 countries before ours.

Prevention is better than cure. It's just temporary until the virus is contained and spreading nCoV is not a threat anymore. It's not discriminating against China. We're just narrowing it down our possible carriers of the said nCoV. Not just China but all tourists with history of travel to China in the past 2 months and countries with confirmed cases of nCoV. Until at least we have a known vaccine. Set aside the thoughts on discrimination but actually, this is our right, especially in this epidemic case.

This is not only about people who carry such; this is about the spread of the virus.

If ever a travel ban is to be imposed, it’s on the premise that the nCoV pandemic will not last forever. it’s not like we’re closing our doors to the rest of the world for good. Besides, if no less than Russia already closed its borders to china due to nCoV concerns, I daresay what’s good for Vladimir Putin is good for us.

The fact that there are already more than 20,000 infected by the virus in the whole mainland should be something to consider.

What do we know so far:
20,000 confirmed cases worldwide
425 death toll globally

The outbreak has spread to 24 countries

The government’s prime duty is to protect the health and safety of its countrymen and yet, WE DO NOT FEEL SAFE in our land. A total travel ban should be implemented.

Health advocate Mike Adams, South Texas, stated that nCoV is now confirmed man-made. He warns it's easy to use as a bioweapon by anyone wishing to spread the disease. Just get infected and walk across any national border.

They claim there is no vaccine for nCoV, so what are they spraying everywhere? And does just washing the hands rid one of it? I fear it will get much worse because they don't know exactly what it is but they gave it a name.

Regardless of its origin, the Wuhan nCoV is spreading around the world with confirmed cases in Asia, Europe, and North America. China must stop the nCoV, regardless of its origin.

According to China, Antibiotics do not work against viral infections in the first place. The prevention method now is to keep your throat moist, do not let your throat dry up. Thus do not hold your thirst because once your membrane in your throat is dried, the virus will invade into your body within 10 mins. Drink 50-80cc warm water, 30-50cc for kids, according to age. Every time you feel your throat is dry, do not wait, keep water in hand. Do not drink plenty at one time as it does not help; instead, continue to keep the throat moist. Till the end of March, do not go to crowded places, wear the mask as needed especially in a train or public transportation.

It’s important to put the risk into perspective. The nCoV does not appear any worse than the annual flu. The key difference is that there is no vaccine, and one will likely take months to develop.

All the deadly virus outbreaks seem to originate in China and some other area of the world where they eat raw animal organs and bats and all other types of weird like that. Why? Because they don’t separate livestock from regular food and people. Maybe they should keep their live bats and snakes out of their open food markets. Maybe they need to stop eating all these weird-ass delicacies.

This is exactly how all the zombie apocalypse movies start. I choose and try not to wish that a zombie apocalypse is real because I don't want to get chased by a zombie. Coronavirus originates in Wuhan which is home to BioTech company with the same logo as Umbrella Corporation who "accidentally" released a virus on Racoon City in Resident Evil that turned everyone into zombies.

It’s really sad to see everything happening at the same time. Well, I would say enjoy your remaining time on this earth, you never know. Maybe God is knocking us to pray and seek Him.

This Coronavirus is giving me anxiety.

The fact that it's only January but a lot has happened terrifies me. Still, I'm hoping that in the next months we'll be able to see what we're looking forward to in 2020 – healing, transformation, blessings, and success. January is already, let's all pray and hope for better days to come.

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