By Nimfa Estrellado Straight Talk June 15, 2020 Ben Tulfo (@bitagbentulfo) once said that the way women dress "invites the beast...
Straight Talk
June 15, 2020

Ben Tulfo (@bitagbentulfo) once said that the way women dress "invites the beast." According to him, women should not wear revealing clothing because it encourages sexual predators to commit crimes.
In a Facebook post deleted a year ago, the Lucban Municipal Police Station also advised girls not to wear "short clothes" to prevent sex crimes.
Yes, I agree for the most part that women should have to recognize their privilege and act accordingly. But yeah, please stop telling women to sacrifice their freedom just so “bastos” and “manyak” men won’t be tempted to rape her. Stop rape blame victims and slut-shaming!
If you think you’re seduced into rape then fix your F mindset don’t go around forcing women to change their appearance because our safety is not our responsibility alone. It's like. If you think that way. Go live in a cave. Cause clearly that's where your mind is stuck
Instead of telling women not to wear short clothes, I will urge them to get a gun and tell those rapists to keep their dicks inside their pants or we, the women will shoot it. At least if this society is too inept and incapable of protecting women from harassment, advise women to protect themselves.
Instead of advising women to shy away or go with the rules, why doesn't advise them to stand up for themselves and stand their ground? Amazona does still exist. Women and girls are stronger and bolder than ever before. There’s no such thing as Maria Clara's anymore. That's BS.
Its 20's and people like Lucban Municipal Police Station and Ben Tulfo are still blaming rape victims. I can't believe I still have to protest this F crap. It might be good to remind these people that it is now 20's, 11 years after the PH Magna Carta of Women passed. So read up and stop shifting the blame on the rape of women!
I said it before, and I'm going to say it again. Rape is not more about lust than about patriarchy and power. Women are raped not because they wear "short clothes," but because they are seen as weak or vulnerable. Women are perceived as sex objects. And the men get raped too.
That the idea of men being somehow weak and unable to control their sexual desires is insane and should not be tolerated. The dressing doesn’t cause rape, rapists do!
Rapists rape the victim not because the victim is sexy enough to arouse the rapists, but because the rapists know they can rape the victim. It's a predatory relationship where rapists see themselves as more powerful, so they can do whatever they want the victim to do.
For this reason, rape was used in colonialism and wars as a weapon. One of the military tactics used to suppress and take over communities is the systematic rape of women. Not only does rape harm the victim but it demoralizes the whole society.
Either it produces an environment of fear or it perpetuates blame on the victim or both. In reality, rape and the culture of rape victimize everyone every single time that happens. Rape is not about lust. I repeat, rape is not about lust! It is about power and patriarchy!
So how to not get raped? Women must have the right to shoot when attacked by a man, a law about "stand your ground."
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