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Schools Division Office of Tayabas City launched Localized Learning Resource Portal

By Khaye Brizuela July 26, 2020 The technical working group of the Launching/ Orientation of SDO Tayabas Localized portal during the op...

By Khaye Brizuela
July 26, 2020

Schools Division Office of Tayabas City launched Localized Learning Resource Portal
The technical working group of the Launching/ Orientation of SDO Tayabas Localized portal during the opening program.

TAYABAS CITY - Launching of localized Learning Resource Portal was conducted June 24,2020 by the Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) of DepEd Tayabas City via Stream yard.

LRMDS under the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) was lead by the Chief Education Supervisor (CES) Imelda Raymundo who presented the process flow in the Development and Utilization of the localized learning resource portal.

Together with her are Education Program Supervisor, Generoza Zubieta with Project Development Officer II, Ermelo Escobinas and Librarian Edna Eclavea who all contributed in the development of the portal during ECQ.

Sir Ermelo provided a walk through of the localized portal from the logging in, to the different instructional materials and resources up to the feedback section.

Schools Division Superintendent, Aniano M. Ogayon, CESO V emphasized the importance of contributing and sharing knowledge during this time of pandemic.

With the said system, teachers will be able to share approved teacher made instructional materials and references. Uploading may only be done by the respective school heads and Learning Resource (LR) coordinators.

Once approved, the uploaded materials will under go Quality Assurance processes . And if standards are met , the LRMDS team will upload the materials to the said portal which will be easily accessed by all the teachers of DepEd Tayabas City.

Orientation was followed by the open forum where in questions and clarifications were answered by the team.

The project is an actualized dream for DepEd Tayabas City as cited by CES Imelda.

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