by Daniel Cerone Computers are with us for good whether we like it or not, our banks have our financial status on computer and the gov...

Computers are with us for good whether we like it or not, our banks have our financial status on computer and the government has our personal data on computers. Yet we, too, each possess a computer of our own; our brain. We each have the mental program for success; the brain has far more complex and versatile than any billion dollar computer system invented by man. The brain controls everything we do, from goal setting, visualisation, inspiration and concentration. Like any computer, it can be programmed with aims, orders and even enthusiasm.
Most of us like to set goals, but super achievers in bodybuilding have programmed their brains for success. They have set themselves on a path to physical achievement which, once set is not easily altered. They have set a definite goal. They are totally confident of their ability to achieve it, and they persist in their quest. Have you ever noticed that before you perform a set of repetitions a you lie down on the bench or take your hand spacing on the barbell that you actually talk to yourself? This happens every single time, and there are no exceptions. Some bodybuilders even talk aloud. What is it they are saying? What do you say before you attempt a set?
The answer is that you tell yourself how much effort you are going to allocate to the movement. You program your computer: I'll do 10 reps." "I'll try 6 strict reps, 2 or 3 cheating." "I'll go for 12 reps." if you didn't program yourself on the effort you need for a particular set of exercises, do you know how many reps you would do? None! Goal setting, both for short term and for the long term, is essential to success in bodybuilding. Physical excellence contests on all levels, from novice, state, national and international, server to give bodybuilders the spark of enthusiasm that makes them train harder.
Some bodybuilders, possibly most, do not have to program themselves in order to be full of enthusiasm or desire. They have an inborn quest for immortality. It comes naturally. They are driven like men possessed. They cannot stop training. Nothing else matters. They have caught the barbell bug.
It is one thing to believe in the power of the mind and quite another to harness that power. Visualisation is one important technique for bringing the mind's power to bear on workout performance. There is some evidence to show the way you visualise your performance before you actually attempt it will greatly influence the result. For example, if an Olympic lifter only half believes that they can lift a certain weight; his chances of success are about 50 percent. If they genuinely doubt that that they can lift a heavy barbell, then there is zero chance that they will achieve it. Conversely when you couple 100 percent of effort with 100 percent of belief in your ability to succeed, success will be achieved. That is the reality of the power of the mind. It is believed that visualisation actually helps to develop the neural paths that are required for precise control of physical activity.
There is no doubt that incentives can so excite and inspire the mind that effect spills over and produces a dramatic increase in physical effort and physical achievement. If your visualisation or dream is vivid enough, the subconscious makes positive adjustments that clear the way and expedite the achievement of your goal.
Inspiration can come from sources other than music. Some bodybuilders find they do best by training with the opposite sex. In fact, numerous male bodybuilders make a point of selecting female training partners. This, they claim, provides them with the inspiration to bring their training efforts to a new high. Presumably, the women also derive inspiration from training alongside the men. When you really believe in yourself, or are inspired by some outside force, and completely determined to achieve your goal, your mind releases the amount of energy you need to give it your best shot.
Concentration is one of the functions of the mind which has to be learned. It is necessary to give your total concentration to a particular set if you are to advance to a new plateau of physical development. But this is more difficult than you may imagine. Concentration means single mindedness, holding one thing in your mind to the exclusion of everything Else, and the mind has to be trained to achieve the ability to concentrate fully.
It has been said that the mind cannot easily concentrate on one thing for more than a few seconds, and if you can focus your attention on thought or object for 12 seconds or more, then you have the ability to concentrate fully. By using this type of focus on your sets, and by excluding all outside distractions, you will be using your mind to maximise your progress, and that is what you want. Decide what you want from bodybuilding, paint that picture in your mind, and follow through with the necessary action. Limitations develop as a result of limited thinking. Open the door to success! Seek to expand on what you already have!
Many potentially great physiques are held back by lack of positive programming. You can meet a guy with enormous Mr. Universe potential, only to find that mentally he will never pull it off. He does not believe in himself because he is full of negative programming. You can train your mind as hard as your body, and in doing so, totally control your bodybuilding gains. Bring your muscular development to what you want it to be> Develop confidence, poise, and charisma, and come out a winner.
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