by Niña Mendoza December 16, 2020 In this time We probably catch up to all the certain shows we least expected to be involved in, like how ...
December 16, 2020

In this time We probably catch up to all the certain shows we least expected to be involved in, like how we swore we will never binge-watch anime but here we are turning episode 1 of Naruto, after finishing Haikyu!! and My Hero Academia, oh dear how come you’re too late, but then again it is the phase striking us. This might come off as a surprise, but I think I found myself so done with what these dramas on Netflix had to offer for its viewers and know just need to hover and hamper myself with knowledge and documentaries for my high interest in Art and found this list.
We all know how this kind of films has a lot of magic like revelations with how their transitions went. They also give their real-life lessons and tips. So as an artist myself I was not disappointed with the shows I watched and each episode is an exciting thing to watch it is opening a new kind of frames for me and developing a lot of new innovative plans for achieving my dreams.
It all started with Next in Fashion:
It is hosted by Alexa Chung and Tan France. This duo made the show feel like drooling into strawberry smoothie they are so bright hosts and just ever extra with their clothes every runway, The show is just an inspiration all over the floor and walls. The real challenge is like the concept of a Master chef in a way it is not food. Contenders have to come up with a wearable piece for their models with this theme that was given to them by the hosts, each week they need to finish the Clothes sometimes in just two days, they have this area cornered with all the things they needed for this Fashion Piece, from the beads to the cloths different colors they can grab to start with. I think this show is very opportunity driven for these fashion designers, It shows how they are all so Name applaudable and hard-working brilliant in coming up with these sketches altogether with the actual clothes than making it look so just in time for the Models to ramp in the runway. All the designer has thrown off their behavior owning themes that suit them well and everyone that participate all has been able to bring their awe yet in a high fashion manner.
The second show I watch is Abstract: with that kind of title I know, I just know I'm about to waste my time in the most perfect view.
This series shows a lot of Art in different strings, mirrors, pass-ways, and just everything that is breathing a sense of creativity. It completely respects the method of the word Art and its behinds.
You cannot be mad at Netflix for putting unworthy shows when they put this, just this one show can cover those up cause it is just a celebration of thanksgiving from an Artist like me.
For each episode, they cover some documents, for example, they start with how creative Font flourished in the industry and let me just rephrase that in how It’s not just putting up pieces of information, they made it so overflowingly mesmerizing to be part of the real wrap journey behind the font.
I ride I must say. The third and fourth shows are Grand Design and Styling Hollywood: The grand design followed these mediocre breakers into following their dreams, just completely built up of what they want in the first place.
It is a Story of pursuing their dream houses. Each episode shows unique home experiences and what is it for them and the image of art. The last one is Styling Hollywood, this is just a mix of drama, celebrity follow-ups, and pouring of process. How enjoyable it would have been and how stress worthy it all went from. I enjoy the show's intense lessons and their life exposed and just being an inspiration. After a lot of movies we watch and take the blame for not being productive and choosing the easy path rather than grabbing our book for knowledge but now Television is not just for the direct vast of entertainment or past time, we could hover great articulate background for working on for our goal-oriented selves and specifically for the Artists that enjoys Fashion, beauty, Corners of houses, design and the far unlimited art itself.
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