by Thiago Santos February 2, 2021 BATANGAS CITY - The city government has extended the payment of business permits until February 15. This i...
February 2, 2021
BATANGAS CITY - The city government has extended the payment of business permits until February 15.
This is in accordance with Ordinance No. 3 Series of 2021 entitled “An Ordinance Extending the Deadline of the Renewal of Business Permits until February 15, 2021, Without Incurring any Interest, Penalty or Surcharges for the Year 2021.
The ordinance states that the Philippines is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic that has led to the loss of many lives and economic collapse.
Batangas City is also one of the areas most affected by COVID-19 and continues to be subject to the General Community Quarantine (GCQ) where 11,000 taxpayers are affected.
Therefore, it is only appropriate to extend the payment of taxes, fees, and other charges contained in the Batangas City Revenue Code of 2009 without penalty for not more than six months.
The ordinance was authored by Councilor Michael Pastor and approved at the City Council session on January 29.
It will be recalled that the renewal of business permits began at the Integrated Business One-Stop Shop (BOSS) at Bay City Mall on January 4.
Implemented a registration and renewal schedule for the barangays to prevent the spread of the virus and ensure the safety of all in COVID-19.
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