by Ruel Francisco July 9, 2022 A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was inked recently between Cavite State University and INTI International Uni...
July 9, 2022

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was inked recently between Cavite State University and INTI International University and Colleges based in Selangor, Malaysia.
The activity is in line with the future collaborations of CvSU and INTI specifically in terms of student and faculty exchange programs, curriculum mapping, design and development, study abroad opportunities, academic progression, funding, and visiting scholar programs.
The MOA was signed by the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) at the Office of University President Dr. Ma. Agnes P. Nuestro and INTI Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Chong Kok Wai.
Witnesses were VP for Admin Support and Services Dr. Camilo A. Polinga, Director for International and Local Collaboration and Linkages Prof. Maria Soledad M. Lising along with INTI VP for International Business Development Mr. Jesus C. Tinawin, and VP for Sales Mr. Bryan Kong.
Other officials from CvSU and INTI were also present including INTI Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. Choo Wou Onn.
Also, Cavite State University (CvSU) recently accepted the Gawad Parangal 2022, presented by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) at the awarding ceremonies held at Quezon City University.
According to CvSU officer-in-charge Dr. Ma. Agnes Perido-Nuestro, CvSU is one of nine recipients of the Award dubbed “Education: Excellence Awards for SUCs” for having 65 percent of programs for undergraduate and graduate courses with a Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC).
The trophy of recognition was accepted by Nuestro, CvSU-OIC, Office of the President and current Vice President for Academic Affairs; and by Dr. Adolfo Manuel Jr., director for Institutional Development.
Meanwhile, CvSU President Dr. Hernando Robles expressed his sincere gratitude to the CvSU academic community for all the concerted effort and dedication over the years.
The Commission conducted the 2022 Gawad Parangal as part of CHED's 2nd National Higher Education Day and 28th founding anniversary celebration with the theme, "Claiming Victory for Quality Higher Education: Quality Education, Citizens' Rights." (Cavite State University)
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