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Gov. Tan pledges to combat abuse, promote gender equality and empower women more

By Nimfa Estrellado Quezon Gov. Tan (4th from left) along with other local officials, advocates, and educators, at the Women's Month 202...

By Nimfa Estrellado

Gov. Tan pledges to combat abuse, promote gender equality and empower women
Quezon Gov. Tan (4th from left) along with other local officials, advocates, and educators, at the Women's Month 2024 Celebration on March 4, 2024, Lucena City. (Photo from Provincial Government of Quezon)

LUCENA CITY, Quezon - Quezon Governor Angelina Helen Tan expressed deep concern today over the reported increase in rape cases in the province and vowed to uphold the Magna Carta of Women on barangay and municipal levels, ensuring that women's rights and welfare are protected and promoted in all aspects of governance.

"Rape is the number one crime in our province, and it is crucial that we take immediate action to address this issue," Tan stated during the Women's Month 2024 Celebration on March 4, 2024. "As long as such a crime exists, we should all work together to create a safer environment for children, women, and men and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions," she added, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with law enforcement agencies and community organizations to combat gender-based violence effectively.

The governor's statement comes amid reports from the provincial police department showing a significant increase in cases of domestic violence and sexual assault. Tan's call to action highlights the need for a united effort to protect vulnerable populations and ensure justice for victims of gender-based violence.

Tan also highlighted the need for continuous education and advocacy to change societal attitudes towards violence against women because, at home, in schools, and in the workplace, everyone has a role to play in preventing and ending gender-based violence.

"If the woman is aware at a very young age, she will be empowered, and no abuse will be tolerated," Tan concluded, underscoring the importance of early education in empowering women to recognize and stand up against abuse.

"A woman who can stand up for herself is a woman who can also stand up for others in similar situations. By equipping women with the knowledge and skills to recognize and address gender-based violence, we can create a safer and more equitable society for all," she added.

In a message by Gov. Tan, she also said her administration will continue to prioritize initiatives that support and empower women, ensuring that they have the resources and support needed to break the cycle of abuse and create a better future for themselves and their communities.

"A long time ago, we proved that women are not just women who are more than women; many of our ranks have succeeded in various fields and have shown that they are capable of achieving great things. It is time for us to recognize and celebrate their contributions and work together to create a more inclusive and equal society for all," she said.

She also vowed to strengthen Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere (MOVE), an organization launched by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) – formerly the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women – on November 27, 2006, during the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW. MOVE is comprised of principled men dedicated to actively eliminating all forms of violence against women (VAW).

Her goal is to enhance men's roles in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in the Philippines. By collaborating with MOVE, she aims to raise awareness, advocate for policies that protect women's rights, and promote their advancement in the country.

Meanwhile, over 6,120 women from across Quezon Province gathered in celebration aligns with this year's National Women's Month theme, "Lipunang Patas sa Bagong Pilipinas: Kakayahan ng Kababaihan, Patutunayan!" at the Quezon Convention Center. The event, organized by the Provincial Government of Quezon's Gender and Development (PGAD) Office, aimed to recognize women's contributions to society and empower them for the future.

Participants enjoyed a variety of activities, including a lively Zumba session, an exhibition of locally-made products, and complimentary salon services. This emphasizing gender equality and showcasing women's abilities as drivers of societal progress.

Juana's Tiangge also reopened its doors at the Quezon Capitol Compound. This special market showcases the incredible talents of Quezonian women, featuring a wide array of locally crafted products, including hand-made bags, clothes, delicious food, and much more.

To further empower women during this celebratory month, Juana's Tiangge is offering free beautification and grooming services. All female visitors are invited to indulge in these complimentary services for an extra boost of confidence.

"Juana's Tiangge is more than just a market; it's a testament to the creativity and strength of women in our province," said Gov. Tan. "We encourage everyone to come, support women-owned businesses, and find unique, locally-made treasures."

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