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Commendations awarded to Lucena City Police for rescue efforts

By Rowena Cruz Lucena City PNP officers receive commendations for their heroic actions in preventing a suicide attempt, demonstrating their ...

By Rowena Cruz

Commendations awarded to Lucena City Police for rescue efforts
Lucena City PNP officers receive commendations for their heroic actions in preventing a suicide attempt, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to public safety and the well-being of the community.

LUCENA CITY, Quezon - Four Lucena City PNP officers were commended at City Hall's Monday flag-raising for their life-saving rescue and commitment to public safety, an act that highlighted the dedication of the city's law enforcement. Their heroic prevention of a potential suicide was lauded by city officials.

During the ceremony, the officers received plaques of recognition for their swift intervention in preventing a suicide attempt. Specifically, PCMS Rommel Ignacio, PMSg Erikson Quidilig, PCpl. Mark Anthony Mendoza, and PCpl. Harven De Mesa were honored.

The commendations acknowledged their diligent performance as law enforcers and peacekeepers. Mayor Mark Alcala, alongside Lucena City PNP chief PLt. Col. Dennis De Guzman, City Administrator Ancaleto Alcala Jr., Napolcom Provincial Officer Atty. Robert Laviña, DILG City Director Enrico Damot, and ABC President Reil Briones, presented the awards.

The officers, with the SWAT Team's rapid response and skilled negotiation, prevented Jerold Mendoza's suicide attempt on Diversion Road. Mendoza, reportedly distraught and in a state of emotional distress, was threatening to jump from the concrete beam above the busy underpass in Barangay Gulang-Gulang.

This precarious situation posed a significant threat not only to Mendoza's life but also to the safety of passing motorists and pedestrians. The potential for a tragic accident or injury to those below was high, adding to the urgency of the situation.

The awardees exhibited exceptional courage and professionalism during the incident. Their coordinated efforts and tactical expertise were instrumental in de-escalating the situation and ensuring a safe resolution. This act of bravery underscores their dedication to protecting lives and serving the community.

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