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Gumaca Diocese vows to ditch fossil fuels, embrace solar power

By Jay S. Lim Most Rev. Euginius L. Cañete, M.J., D.D., bishop of Gumaca, appointed by Pope Francis in 2024, and installed in 2025, leads th...

By Jay S. Lim

Gumaca Diocese vows to ditch fossil fuels, embrace solar power
Most Rev. Euginius L. Cañete, M.J., D.D., bishop of Gumaca, appointed by Pope Francis in 2024, and installed in 2025, leads the Gumaca Diocese in its commitment to environmental sustainability. (Kons Andrea V. Olase/Rio Camanga/CEEDS)

GUMACA, Quezon – A powerful call for environmental action resonated through the Gumaca Pastoral Formation Center as the Diocese of Gumaca declared its commitment to a fossil-fuel-free future. In a landmark gathering, clergy members pledged to champion renewable energy and actively combat climate change, marking a significant step in the region's fight for sustainability.

“This isn't just a program; it's personal," declared Kons. Andrea Olase of Perez, Quezon a local legislator actively campaigning for Renewable Energy and anti illegal fishing in Lamon bay, emphasizing the urgency of the environmental crisis. “It must be personal for everyone. We need the unwavering support of our beloved clergy to make a real difference."

The impassioned gathering, hosted by Most Rev. Euginius L. Cañete, M.J., D.D., Bishop of Gumaca, saw a frank and vital discussion on the Church's role in promoting ecological responsibility. Bishop Cañete, in a moment of candid reflection, echoed the sentiments of many, stating, "I join the chorus of many in this room: these issues are not new, but it seems there is no change. Perhaps we are still lacking."

This acknowledgment of the need for greater action spurred the Diocese to commit to tangible, impactful change. The Diocese will formulate a strong, unified declaration that explicitly rejects fossil fuel dependency within Quezon and prioritizes the implementation of renewable energy alternatives. This strategic initiative is designed to solidify the Church's position and inspire widespread community engagement.

Furthermore, parishes will begin a phased transition towards solar energy, actively participating in the ambitious 10 Million Solar Rooftops Challenge, showcasing the potential of solar energy. This initiative aims to not only lessen the Diocese's environmental impact but also to serve as a compelling illustration for its members. To further advance this effort, ongoing awareness campaigns will be implemented to educate parishioners on the critical importance of environmental stewardship and to encourage their active involvement in the expanding sustainability movement.

This decisive action by the Gumaca Diocese represents a significant transformation in the region's strategy for addressing environmental challenges. By harmonizing faith and action, the Diocese is demonstrating its dedication to creating a sustainable and robust future for Quezon province, confirming that the appeal for environmental preservation is a moral obligation for everyone.

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